- AFSA American Fire Sprinkler Association
- BAFSA British Automatic Sprinkler Association
- BRE Fire Research Station
- EFSN European Fire Sprinkler Network
- Fire Service College (Morton-in-Marsh)
- FOA Chief Fire Officers Association
- FPA Fire Protection Association
- FRIS Fire Research Information Services
- HFSC Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition
- IFE The Institution of Fire Engineers
- IFSA International Fire Sprinkler Association
Local Governmant – Fire safety guidance
Publications offering guidance about fire safety for different groups of people, or for specific circumstances or types of accommodation - NFPA National Fire Protection Association
- NFSA National Fire Sprinkler Association (USA)
- NFSN National Fire Sprinkler Network
- RAFT Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust
RSA Residential Sprinkler Association
The Residential Sprinkler Association is a non-profit Trade Organisation, providing support to the Residential and Domestic sectors of the UK Fire Sprinkler Industry. -
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